Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison, Pinangki Disappears Malasari Appeals

JAKARTA - Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari is appealing the 10-year sentence. The prosecutor also filed an appeal.

"Pinangki filed an appeal so that we public prosecutors also file an appeal," said Yanuar Utomo, head of the team of public prosecutors (JPU) who handled the Pinangki case, as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 16.

Previously, the panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) sentenced Pinangki Sirna Malasari to 10 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 600 million subsidiary 6 months imprisonment because he was proven to have received 500,000 US dollars in bribes, carried out money laundering and conspiracy related to the Djoko Tjandra case.

The verdict was heavier than the prosecutor's demands at the Attorney General's Office who requested that Pinangki be sentenced to 4 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison.

However, Yanuar did not explain why Pinangki filed an appeal.

"The reasons for filing an appeal were not conveyed, only lawyers came and registered an appeal to the court," said Yanuar.

The team of Pinangki's lawyers who were contacted did not respond to questions about the reasons for the appeal.

In this case, Pinangki was proven guilty of three criminal acts, the first was proven to have received a bribe of US $ 500,000 from the convicted Bank Bali cessie case, Djoko Tjandra.

The money was given with the aim that Djoko Tjandra could return to Indonesia without having to be sentenced to 2 years in prison based on the Judicial Review (PK) decision Number 12 dated June 11, 2009.

Pinangki participated in compiling an action plan containing 10 implementation stages to request a Supreme Court (MA) fatwa on the PK Djoko Tjandra decision by including the initials "BR" namely Burhanuddin as an official at the Attorney General's Office and "HA" namely Hatta Ali as an official at the Supreme Court at a cost of 10 million US dollars but was only given 500,000 US dollars as a down payment.

The second act, Pinangki was deemed proven to have committed money laundering worth US $ 375,279 or equivalent to Rp. 5,253,905,036.00.

The money is part of the bribe given by Djoko Tjandra.

Forms of money laundering include buying a blue BMW X5, paying for apartment rentals in the United States, paying for beauticians in the US, paying for home care doctors, paying for apartment rentals and paying credit cards.

The third act was that Pinangki committed an evil consensus with Andi Irfan Jaya, Anita Kolopaking, and Djoko Tjandra to promise something in the form of US $ 10 million to officials at the AGO and the Supreme Court to thwart the execution of Djoko Tjandra which was contained in the action plan.