The TNI Commander Called Social Media Can Trigger Riots To 'Machine' Terrorist Recruiters

JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said that the power of social media can trigger riots in several countries.

"The power of social media has led to riots in several countries, such as Europe, the United States, Myanmar, and Thailand," said the TNI Commander during the 2021 TNI Leadership Meeting at TNI Headquarters in Cilangkap, East Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 16.

The development of science and technology that gave birth to the internet to social media is a necessity. But this needs to be a common concern.

According to Panglima Hadi, social media is also used as a means of spreading radicalism as well as a propaganda machine to recruit generations of radicals and terrorists.

"Cyber world has become the domain for recruiting a generation of radicals and terrorists who also use social media for their propaganda," said the former Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau).

In the 2021 TNI Leadership Meeting which was held face-to-face and virtually with participants throughout Indonesia, the theme was "TNI Strong, Solid, Professional, Loved by the People, Ready to Support the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 and Economic Recovery and Maintaining National Unity for the Integrity of the Republic of Indonesia." .

On that occasion, the TNI Commander expressed his highest appreciation to all TNI soldiers wherever they are and on duty, both in border areas, conflict-prone areas, and several areas affected by natural disasters, as well as the vanguard in fighting COVID-19.

"I would like to express my gratitude to all soldiers assigned to border areas, such as Indonesia-PNG. Vulnerable areas that are currently of concern to all of us, such as in Papua, Intan Jaya in particular, are tactical command points of Sugapa, Hitadipa, Titigi. , Mamba and others, "he said.

TNI soldiers are often involved in various events that are in the public spotlight, including overcoming armed civilian groups in Papua, distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, evacuation of the Sriwijaya SJ-182 plane, to natural earthquakes and floods throughout Indonesia.

"This shows that all TNI soldiers and all defense equipment are ready and ready to be present in the midst of society," he said.

The 2021 TNI meeting was also attended by Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, Komnas HAM Chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, PPN Minister / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa, and BNPB Head Lt. Gen. TNI Doni Monardo as speakers.