Kapolri: UU ITE Is Not Healthy, Used To Report Each Other

JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that the use of the Electronic Transaction Information Law (ITE) is no longer healthy. This is because it seems that these laws are only used to bring down each other.

"Particularly with regard to the use and application of articles or the ITE law, which we have been following for several days, the atmosphere is not healthy," said Listyo Sigit at Police Headquarters, Tuesday, February 16.

"So, the ITE Law is used to report to each other and then has the potential to cause polarization which then of course we have to take steps," he continued.

Therefore, the Police will be more selective in handling this case. This is because many parties consider the use of the ITE Law to be unfair to several groups.

"There is an impression that the ITE Law is repressive towards certain groups but blunt towards other groups. So of course, like it or not this will become the color of the police if we cannot do this selectively," he said.

General Listyo Sigit previously emphasized that he would be more selective in the prosecution of cases involving Human Rights and the ITE Law. Later in handling case elements, persuasiveness will be prioritized.

"The law enforcement process takes into account human rights issues. The problem with the ITE law is also a note that in the future we can really carry out law enforcement selectively by prioritizing education, prioritizing persuasiveness and then we are trying to take rhetorical steps. justice, "he said.

The National Police Chief explained that the handling of the two cases, said Listyo Sigit, was to minimize or suppress the occurrence of mutual reporting. Problems that occur related to the ITE Law should have been resolved in a friendly manner.

"This is also in order to ensure that the use of articles that are considered rubber articles in the ITE Law, which of course have the potential to be later used to report or report to one another, or better known as criminalizing under the ITE Law, can be suppressed and controlled in the future, "he explained.