2 TNI Members Arrested Allegedly Involved In The Denpasar Satpol PP Office Attack

DENPASAR - Two members of the TNI in the Kodam IX/Udayana were arrested for allegedly being involved in the attack on members and the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Denpasar City, Bali.

Head of Information for Kodam IX/Udayana Colonel Fadjar Wahyudi Broto, stated that the two soldiers who were arrested were Praka JG and Pratu VS.

Both were arrested on Monday, November 27 night by the intelligence team of Kodam IX/Udayana after receiving information on the alleged involvement of TNI officers in the attack incident against members and also the Denpasar Satpol PP Office.

"The Kodam intelligence team moved quickly to investigate the criminal acts of persecution and vandalism allegedly carried out by TNI personnel. With hard work, the Intelligence Kodam Team has arrested the TNI personnel with the initials Praka JG and Pratu VS," said Fadjar, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

The two TNI members have been handed over to the Military Police of Kodam IX/Udayana for further investigation. It is not yet known what the motives of the two members who took part in the attack were.

"Regarding what their motives for being involved in the action will be investigated by Pomdam Udayana. There are indications that one of these individuals has a family relationship with the other perpetrators. At Pomdam, we will also check whether these two soldiers as the main perpetrators involved in physical contact or are only involved in the destruction. will be investigated further," said Fadjar.

Prior to the arrest of the two suspected perpetrators, the Commander of the IX/Udayana Military Regional Command Major General TNI Harfendi said he would conduct an investigation regarding the alleged involvement of the TNI in the attack incident. The Military Commander has ordered his staff to seek the truth of the information circulating that TNI personnel are suspected of being involved in the case.

"If it is proven that there is involvement of members of the TNI, it will be processed according to applicable law," said Major General Harfendi, Monday (27/11).

The alleged involvement of TNI members in the case stems from information from witnesses from Satpol PP members who said that before being persecuted, some admitted that they were members of the TNI to bully members of the Satpol PP. This was reinforced by the testimony of four other perpetrators who had been arrested by the police.