Fadli Zon Says The West Will Lose Its Moral Kompas If It Supports Israel's Cruelty

JAKARTA - Chairman of the BKSAP DPR RI, Dr. Fadli Zon, attended the third ASEAN Parliamentary Meeting in Strasbourg, France, at the end of November 2023.

Titled The 3rd Inter-Regional European Parliament (EP)-ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), Fadli Zon as Delegation Chair said that the West and anyone who supports Israel's atrocities in Gaza will lose a moral compass.

In fact, he did not hesitate to call the current practice of Israel the practice of NAZI in the modern era.

"There are still many colonial mentality left, especially with double standards and defamation from the West. Despite clear evidence of Israel's atrocities against the Palestinian people, it is unfortunate and dangerous that double standards and colonialism behavior still exist in the 21st century. This can make them lose moral compass guidelines," said Fadli.

Fadli Zon further touched on the worrying situation in Gaza. At least 14,000 Palestinians have died from brutal Israeli attacks.

In addition, one child dies every five minutes. Not to mention attacks on places of worship and hospitals, including Indonesian hospitals.

The misery of the Palestinian people does not end there. Lack of access to food, water, electricity, and communication blackouts makes this crime of humanity even more common.

Judging from this tragic condition, Fadli inevitably highlighted the dual and mental colonialism standards of the countries that stand with Israel.

He did not want only a temporary ceasefire, but there is a permanent solution to create peace in the region.

"We need to welcome the four-day ceasefire, particularly humanitarian aid. However, the international community, including the European Union, must pay attention to the situation in Gaza and demand Israel's accountability."

"There must be a permanent solution to create peace in the region. Accountability is a crucial element in the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza."

"It is important for the European Union to pressure Israel to stop killing Palestinians, push for a permanent ceasefire, and raise efforts to encourage the ICC (International Criminal Court) to investigate Israel for genocide against the Palestinian people," said Fadli Zon.

Finally, in his statement on the agenda of the dialogue of the European Parliament-ASEAN Parliament, Fadli Zon reminded the European Union that a shared agenda in maintaining peace and stability would be meaningless if the rights of the Palestinian people were not noticed.

Meanwhile, the meeting in France actually discussed EP-AIPA Joint Assembly to strengthen cooperation between parliaments.

Several details of the meeting include discussing the need for trade cooperation between the two regions and bilaterally, where the Indonesian House of Representatives delegation conveyed the importance of completing the Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA) negotiations.

Fadli Zon, Chairman of the BKSAP DPR RI, ensured that dialogue would be effective, not duplicate existing dialogues, and based on equality, mutual respect and benefit.