Pandemic In Indonesia Momentum Develops Nubika, TNI Commander Proposes Galang Island To Become A Research Laboratory

JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said the COVID-19 pandemic could be used as a momentum to review the bio-media and nuclear, biological and chemical (Nubika) capabilities of the TNI.

"We must really evaluate the Covid-19 pandemic because this can be used as a momentum to review the bio-medical and nubika capabilities of the TNI," said the Commander in his remarks at the 2021 TNI Leadership Meeting (Rapim) at TNI Headquarters Cilangkap, East Jakarta. , February 16th.

Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto thought that Galang Island, Batam was the right place to build a laboratory with a Bio Safety Level (BSL) III or IV level to breed viruses and vaccines.

This is because Indonesia is a tropical country, where almost all diseases in the world are in the country.

"So, we must really take into account and think about what medicine we have to prepare to cope with the current disaster," said Hadi.

To tackle the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, President Jokowi has ordered the TNI to help discipline 3M health protocols, including supporting the implementation of tracing, testing and treatment (3T).

During the implementation of the Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) at the micro level, the president also ordered the TNI to prepare a vaccinator. So, continued the TNI Commander, in the implementation of vaccination later, he could be involved in the implementation of vaccination.

"The operation to enforce health prokes discipline, including supporting 3T operations, is considered quite successful," said Hadi.

On that occasion, the TNI Commander said that the 2021 TNI Leadership Meeting was a continuation of the TNI-Polri Leadership Meeting held at the Police Headquarters on Monday.