Kemenpan-RB Awarded 12th Polres Of Excellent Service Award

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) gave awards to 12 Polres spread across Indonesia. The award is related to good public service.

Menpan-RB Tjahjo Kumolo said dozens of Polres had worked according to President Joko Widodo's vision and mission. Services are carried out by cutting unnecessary bureaucracy so that it makes it easier for the community.

"The vision and mission of Pak Jokowi and Ma'ruf Amin is bureaucratic reform. What the President wants is the speed of the government apparatus to serve the community, from the President, Village Heads, Lurahs, Kapolri to Kapolsek, Bhabinkamtibmas, TNI Commander with three dimensions to Koramil, Babinsa," said Tjahjo at Police Headquarters to reporters, Tuesday, February 16.

There are a number of assessment aspects, among others, service policies, HR professionalism, facilities and infrastructure, public service information systems, consultation and complaints, and public service innovation. An assessment of the state apparatus is carried out every year.

Meanwhile, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo expressed his appreciation because Kemenpan-RB had participated in monitoring and evaluation. Each year the assessment will be one of the benchmarks for improving the performance of public services, especially in the internal police department.

"We strive to continue to improve prime public services by utilizing information technology and digital advances, so that public services really do what the public expects, especially by cutting bureaucracy," said Listyo Sigit.

The National Police has also made a Road Map related to the implementation of bureaucratic reform in the 2020-2024 timeframe. The contents of the Road Map are related to service innovations carried out online.

"Online public services are provided online Samsat, online SIM, online SKCK," he said.

12 Polres, Polresta and Polrestabes which won the title of excellent service, among others;

1. Pekanbaru Police

2. Polrestabes Palembang

3. Polrestabes Bandung

4. Police Cirebon

5. Malang Police

6. Polrestabes Surabaya

7. Sidoarjo Police

8. Polres Gresik

9. Malang City Police

10. Banyuwangi Police

11. Kulonprogo Police

12. Polres Sleman

Meanwhile, 40 Polres, Polresta and Polrestabes received very good categories, namely;

1. Polrestabes Semarang

2. Banda Aceh Police

3. Bandung Police

4. Banjarmasin Police

5. Barelang Police

6. Padang Police

7. Pontianak city Police

8. Yogyakarta Police

9. Polres Banjar

10. Polres Banjarbaru

11. Banjarnegara Police

12. Police of Cilacap

13. Polres Gowa

14. Polres Gunung Kidul

15. Hulu Sungai Selatan District Police

16. Jepara Police

17. Police in Karawang

18. Kendal Police

19. Kendari Police

20. Polres Ketapang

21. City Police Precinct

22. Polres Lamongan

23. Madiun Police

24. Polres Magelang

25. Polres Magelang City

26. Mojokerto City Police

27. Police Musi Banyuasin

28. Police Ogan Komering Ulu

29. Polres Pasuruan

30. Polres Pasuruan City

31. Payakumbuh Police

32. Polres Sambas

33. Singkawang Police

34. Polres Solok Kota

35. Subang District Police

36. Sukabumi City Police

37. Polres Tanah Laut

38. Polres Tapin

39. Polres Tuban

40. Polres Tulungagung