Why Is It Wrong To Type Called Typo? Find The Answer Here

YOGYAKARTA Typo is a word that is often heard in writing and research, especially in classrooms and the world of work. Typo is used to describe an act of error in typing a word. For example, the word that should have been written mobil has even become a'mobul'. Well, this kind of typing error is what is called a typo. Even though it's often heard, do you know why a typo is called a typo?

Originally the word typo was included in the English vocabulary. In the English dictionary Merriam Webster, the word typo stands for typographical error. literally, typo can be interpreted as an error in typing spelling.

In Indonesian, typo turns out to have a word combination, namely saltik or a typo. This term means the same as a typographical error.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word saltik is interpreted as an error in pressing the tikboard button which results in misspelling.

From the two definitions above, it can be concluded that the typo is not used to mention the fault of someone who does not know the correct spelling of a word. But to refer to the spelling typing error because the person pressed the button incorrectly when typing.

Typo can occur when someone types too quickly or rushes into a project with a lot of thoughts that annoy them at once.

Typo occurs when humans type too quickly or rush into a project with a lot of thoughts that disturb them at once.

How To Avoid Typo

Adapted from The American Copy Editor's Society, there are four ways to avoid typos or typing errors in the writings that have been made, including:

Read the articles that have been created, completely like what readers do. Don't stop looking for anything appropriate or changing. Give a sign if something is disturbing and coming back there after you finish reading everything.

When you edit the article, be careful not to include new errors.

If you feel too familiar with the article that has just been written, change the way you read it. Print your writing, if you're working on a screen. Change the font along with its size. Make the text or rear screen a different color. Read it out loud or ask someone else to read it for you.

When you read the writing the same way, you read less and read more from the memory. This is what makes your brain miss errors in typing. Therefore, change the existing format in a different format to make it easier for you to find errors in the article that has been created.

Give your brain time to rest for a while by watching short videos, calling, or reading something about the topic that you just wrote. This method is effective enough to refresh your brain so that when editing an article, you will be more thorough.

Take advantage of technology to check spelling and correct grammar. Equipment checking and grammar can make it easier for you when you want to find errors in typing.

That's the information about why typos are called typo. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.