The Ministry Of PUPR Targets 192 Km New Toll Roads To Operate During Nataru

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said it would operate 192 km of new toll roads ahead of the 2023 Nataru momentum.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that currently the construction of toll roads in Indonesia until 2023 is targeted to increase along 410 km.

"The construction of new toll roads until the end of 2023 is targeted for 410 km. As of November 2023, the 218 km toll roads, the remaining 192 km will be operated or functioned on Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024," said Minister Basuki in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, November 22.

Basuki explained that the toll road on Java Island has an operation of 1,782 km and is equipped with 92 resting places and services (TIP).

As for December 2023, it is targeted that there will be additional toll roads operating in Java Island, reaching 110.3 km. These toll roads include Cinere-Jagorawi Section 3A Kukusan-JC Krukut and Ramp 4.5 JC Krukut (3.5 km), Cinere-Jagorawi Toll Road Section 3B JC Krukut- Cinere (2.2 km), and Bekasi-Cawang-Kampung Melayu Toll Road Section 2A & 2A Ujung (Jakasampurna-Marga Jaya) (4.9 km),

Then, the Cimanggis-Cibitung Toll Road Section 2A Jatikarya-Cikeas (3.8 km), the Serpong-Cinere Toll Section 2 Pamulang-Cinere (3.6 km), the Cibitung-Cilincing Section 4 IC Tarumajaya-JC.Cilincing (7.3 km), and the Pasuruan-Probolinggo Toll Road Section 4A Probolinggo Timur-Gending (9.1 Km),

Next, Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road Section 2 Cigombong-Cibadak (11.1 km), Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan Section 4-6 Cimalaka-Dawuan (29.2 km), Semarang-Demak Toll Road Section 2 Sayung-Demak (16 km), and Cimanggis-Cibitung Toll Road Section 2B Cikeas-Cibitung (19.6 km).

"The South Cikampek II Jakarta Toll Road for the Kutanegara-Sadang section (8.5 km) and the Solo-Yogyakarta-NYIA Toll Road for the Kartasura-Karaganom (13 km) section will also be functionalized during Nataru. Meanwhile, the national road on the island of Java which is ready to be used is 4,581 km, namely Jalan Lintas Utara 1,130 km, Lintas Tengah 1,091 km, Lintas Selatan 817 km, and Lintas Pantai Selatan 1,543 km," explained Basuki.

Kemudian, Kementerian PUPR juga telah menyiapkan kemantapan jalan di Pulau Bali, tepatnya di Tol Bali-Mandara sepanjang 10,1 km dan ruas jalan nasional sepanjang 364.6 km terdiri dari Lintas Utara dan Selatan.

Furthermore, on the island of Sumatra, the operational Trans Sumatra toll road will be 865 km equipped with 38 TIP, while the national road segments that are ready to be used are 7,467 km long, namely the West Cross 2,531 km, the East Cross 2,624 km, and the Central Cross Road 2,311 km. The addition of the operational toll road has also been carried out on the island of Sumatra along 285.5 km.

Meanwhile, on the island of Kalimantan, there is the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road which is operational for 97 km, and the national road section along 5,563 km consists of the North, Central, and South Cross.

Meanwhile, the operational toll road on Sulawesi Island along 62 km consists of the Ujung Pandang/Makassar Toll Road Section 1-3 (1.1 km), Makassar Toll Section 4 (11.6 km), Manado-Bitung Toll Road (39.8 km). The operation/functional toll road is also carried out, namely access to Makassar New Port stages 1 and 2 (3.2 km). The national road section ready for use on Sulawesi Island is 18,782.8 km.

"We will continue to coordinate with the Ministry of Transportation, Korlantas, and other ministries/agencies to optimize the use of the facilities we have prepared for the smooth running of Nataru traffic," added Basuki.