What Are You Waiting For, Indonesia Should Have Issued A Travel Warning Due To COVID-19

JAKARTA - The corona virus or COVID-19 has spread to various other countries, not only China. In fact, Indonesia, which was previously the only country in Southeast Asia with zero corona status, also reported positive case findings of COVID-19.

The Indonesian government is considered to be the time to consider issuing a travel warning. As is known, currently the government has issued travel advice to a number of countries. However, because there is no travel warning yet, prospective passengers cannot request a ticket refund to the airline.

Aviation observer and AIAC Aviation founder Arista Atmadjati assessed that the Indonesian government must consider the safety of its citizens by issuing travel warnings for certain countries. The goal is to prevent this virus from spreading widely in the country.

"Travel warning is better for citizens from China, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Italy and France because many are positive. Meanwhile, travel advice for citizens from Malaysia and Thailand is for prevention," he said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Tuesday, 3 March.

Arista said that refunds could actually be done if there were urgent things such as the COVID-19 virus outbreak. However, this is the policy of every airline again.

"If the refund can be done. If the corona disaster and the policies of each airline. The problem is if he rides the low-cost carrier (LCC). But if it is full service, (for) the refund is not a problem," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission X Dede Yusuf said that if the case is an emergency, travel warnings around the world will also be carried out. This policy, of course, will have an impact on the backward travel plans.

"Refunds should be requested by the government to airlines. Therefore, in terms of handling this virus, the government is a bit late, making a Presidential Decree or a task force which should have been carried out some time ago. So that there is no panic and overlap like now," he explained.

On the other hand, Member of Commission V Irwan Fecho said, related to the presence of two Indonesian citizens positive for COVID-19, his party asked the Ministry of Transportation as the regulator to consider carefully closing routes for cities abroad that are indicated to have been infected with the virus.

"Including Japan, by previously coordinating with the Ministry of Health in foreign countries which are indicated to be positive. I also encourage the Ministry of Transportation to focus on increasing the activity of local flights and domestic travelers by involving all relevant stakeholders so that the spread of the corona virus does not have a negative impact on Indonesia's economic growth," he explained.

Member of Commission I DPR from the PKB faction Abdul Kadir Karding even thought more extreme. According to him, in order to anticipate the spread of the corona virus, it is necessary to carry out a temporary moratorium on 10 potential countries.

"A temporary moratorium with certain limits. That's something the government must do," Karding said.

He added, another thing that is necessary is a crisis center in each district / city that involves all parties such as doctors, pemdanya, police, soldiers, community leaders who are roughly related to the anticipation of the corona virus.

"All of this can be seen from the incident in Wuhan, for example. Don't be like yesterday, panic for a while, the masks and hand sanitizers run out. This means we have to be really ready," he explained.

Apart from that, he said, there needs to be complete and comprehensive information to the public. This information is in the form of coping methods, recognizing the type of virus, and how to avoid the corona virus.

"That's important. That's why I encourage the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Communication and Information for massive socialization. In my opinion, it should be broadcast regularly on TV in addition to the Whatsapp group. So there must be a fast and planned system for anticipation. And people don't have to panic," said Karding.