A Division Of Crossing Becomes A Heavy Government PR That Is Not Complete

JAKARTA - Commission V of the DPR asked the central government together with the regional government (Pemda) to resolve the level crossing problem.

This problem is homework (PR) for the government that is still left and must be resolved.

Chairman of Commission V DPR Lasarus admitted that this level crossing problem is quite complicated. The reason is, the authority is not only in the hands of the central government, but also in local governments.

"For the island of Java, the problem of protracted, which until today cannot be resolved, the Minister is a level crossing," said the Chairman of Lasarus, in a working meeting with the Minister of Transportation, Minister of PUPR, Korlantas, BMKG, and Basarnas, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 21.

"I also see that this level of crossing progress is a bit complicated for me to see. Because there is local government authority, there is the authority of the central government," he continued.

Therefore, said Lasarus, there is no common ground between the two for handling level crossings.

However, Lasarus stressed, the number of accidents at level crossings is very high, so this problem must be resolved.

If this level of crossing can be handled, we can reduce how many victims are there per day. In my opinion, this is quite a tough homework that we have to finish, yes, from this government, if I look at what is still significant, one of them is still the lack of handling level crossings," he said.

Moreover, he continued, currently people also often make their own crossings along railroad roads.

People also freely make their own crossings along our existing railroad roads. I think this should get attention," he said.

Previously, the Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation Risal Wasal said that level crossings were one of the issues of railway safety.

To overcome this level crossing problem, the main action taken is not to issue a level crossing permit.

Not only that, said Risal, his party also continues to close level crossings.

With the increasing number of level crossings, it is hoped that rail travel will be safer and safer.

"Since the formation of DJKA in 2005, we have never issued another permit to officially open a level crossing, except for its temporary nature because there is a construction or road shift, it is also guarded. Second, our target is to close all level crossings," he said in Jakarta, written Sunday, August 6.

Risal said, the initial target of closing the level crossing was to close the adjacent railroad crossing, namely less than 800 meters and or less than 2 meters wide.

After being closed, continued Risal, facilities will be built. Such as the early warning system (EWS), the railway line sterilization fence, building pedestrian bridges or vehicles, as well as Flyovers or Underpasses on crossings as an alternative access for road users.

"In building and maintaining this facility, of course, we share responsibility with local governments, train operators, and other related parties in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Railway Law and its derivative regulations. Because the number of crossings in the field is very large, while there are budget constraints," said Risal.