Ganjar And JK Agree That The 2024 Election Must Run Well

JAKARTA - President Ganjar Pranowo's candidate visited the residence of the 10th Vice President and 12 Jusuf Kalla (JK) on Jalan Brawijaya No.6, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

Wearing a batik shirt, Ganjar came to JK's house not alone. He seems to be accompanied by the Chairman of the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN), Arsjad Rasjid and the Chairman of the Perindo Party, Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

The former governor of Central Java received a warm welcome from JK when he arrived at the location. Ganjar was immediately invited to enter JK's residence to discuss various issues.

The meeting between Ganjar and JK lasted for approximately an hour and a half. According to Ganjar, he received a lot of input from JK. Especially regarding so that the 2024 General Election can run well.

"Earlier we received a lot of input, basically the election must go well," said Ganjar after a meeting with JK, Sunday, November 19.

Ganjar said, if the election can run well, it will have a positive impact on the community itself. For this reason, he agreed with the message conveyed by JK, namely that the election must run well.

"We had a long discussion about this country, I really learned that hopefully the election will run smoothly," said Ganjar.

"And people can do a good business, the people below can feel the development, and all the risks of living in Indonesia are full of legal certainty and everything will go well," added Ganjar.

Meanwhile, JK said many things that were discussed when meeting Ganjar. For example, so that Indonesia can be better, especially the election event can run safely.

"Talk about the country how it is better and the country is better, it must be with the cooperation of all parties. The good and we hope that in the upcoming elections everything will run safely," said JK.

According to JK, the situation ahead of the election is very important for government officials or law enforcement officials to be able to maintain their neutrality.

Bearing in mind, they have been sworn in when they are about to stay in touch, namely carrying out their duties as well as possible and fairly as possible. Therefore, JK emphasized the importance of neutrality in government officials.

"Why do we put forward neutrality? The head of the oath of all officials, the apparatus always reads that they will obey the law and will carry out all their duties as well as possible and fairly as possible. All of that was said," said JK.