5 Bad Habits That Cause Blackheads To Stick To The Face

JAKARTA - Blackheads are triggered by clogged facial pores. The causes can be various kinds, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, often forgetting to clean your face, and because of the consumption of fatty foods.

Blackheads on the face can appear on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. Of course this does not make you comfortable, especially there are types of blackheads that smell. Actually, blackheads are the precursor to acne or it can also be referred to as mild acne.

Because smelly blackheads are sebum or natural skin oils that accumulate plus dead skin cells and can also be triggered by a bacterial infection. To reduce the annoying blackheads, you need to change the bad habits below.

Eating unhealthy foods

The healthiest foods that contain complete nutrition, for example in superfoods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. When you eat too much fried, fatty foods, and spicy foods, the growth of blackheads is irresistible.

Exposure to bad air

Air condition affects the health of your facial skin. If you come from outside with bad air conditions, try to wash or clean your face. Well, if you postpone it, the comeda will easily grow on the chin, nose and cheeks. Of course this is not desirable, right?

This means that in addition to maintaining nutrition and healthy food for consumption every day, you should still regularly clean your face after doing outdoor activities, especially after being from areas with poor air quality, such as public places and roads.

Hormones out of balance

Hormone imbalance can be influenced by two things, namely from bad habits and genetics. If it's from a bad habit, you can change it. For example, staying up late, lack of exercise, drinking too much coffee so that it is difficult to sleep, and not drinking enough water.

If it is caused by genetic factors, this needs to be further identified. Because every effect always has a cause, meaning it is not impossible to avoid the causes of blackheads growing on the face.

Hold your face often

Touching your face unconsciously can also cause blackheads. In fact, there are many bacteria attached to the fingers which are one of the triggers for blackheads. This means that if you have this bad habit, you need to wash your hands more often or become aware of this habit and stop it.

Wearing makeup that doesn't match your skin condition

Each makeup is formulated according to facial conditions. For example, certain brand moisturizers are best suited for oily skin but not for sensitive skin. So, before buying or wearing makeup, identify the product and its type according to your skin condition.

The last point that is most often ignored, is also the main cause of blackheads on the face. Do you know how to deal with blackheads?

First, you need to clean your face regularly. Besides that, do simple treatments according to your facial skin needs. And lastly, keep living a healthy lifestyle so that facial skin looks fresh and charming.