After Being Polished, Novel Baswedan Was Reported To The KPK

JAKARTA - After reporting KPK senior investigator Novel Baswedan to the police, this time the Youth, Student, and Community Protection Partnership Student Organization (PPMK) made another report. This time PPMK reported Novel Baswedan to the KPK Supervisory Board.

"Today, as the PPMK secretary-general, I have sent a letter to the KPK leadership so that Novel Baswedan will be examined immediately", said PPMK Secretary-General Lisman Hasibuan at the KPK building, Jakarta, Monday, February 15.

Novel Baswedan was reportedly related to his tweet about the death of Soni Eranata alias Ustadz Maaher At-Thuwailibi at the Police Criminal Investigation Prison.

"We are very sorry that Novel Baswedan as a law enforcement officer at the KPK and as a senior investigator at the KPK made a tweet on Twitter which today caused public confusion", said Lisman.

Therefore, he said, Novel must be held accountable for his tweets. "That is not very beautiful. Moreover, he is a senior investigator at the KPK. One of the things he conveyed was 'outrageous officers'. He should have been a KPK investigator and born from the womb of the Police as well. Police institution. Moreover, he was a former member of the National Police himself", he said.

Previously, Mass organizations (Ormas) PPMK had also reported Novel to Bareskrim Polri. PPMK accused Novel Baswedan of violating Article 14 and Article 15 of Law Number 1 the Year 1946 and Article 45A Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 Paragraph (2) Law Number 18 the Year 2016 concerning ITE.

Previously, Novel was sad to hear the news of Ustadz Maaher's death at the Police Criminal Investigation Prison. Novel asked law enforcement officials not to go overboard in handling cases that were not extraordinary crimes.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Ustaz Maaher died at the Police detention center. In fact, the case was humiliation, detained, then sick. People are sick, why are they forced to be detained? The authorities should not go too far. Especially with Ustadz. This is not trivial, you know ....", tweeted Novel through Twitter account @nazaqistsha, Tuesday, February 9.