Mahfud MD Invites Madura People To Create Peaceful Elections

BANGKALAN - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD, who is the presidential candidate for Ganjar Pranowo, invited the people of Madura, East Java to jointly create a safe and peaceful 2024 General Election (Pemilu) by respecting the differences in their political choices.

"Let's create a safe and peaceful 2024 election, let's choose according to our hearts, which is considered to match the aspirations of each individual," he said during a working visit in the context of the Peaceful Election in Bangkalan Regency, Saturday.

The 2024 election will start with the presidential election on February 14 and there are three pairs of candidates who will compete for community support by bringing different vision and mission.

"Please choose, there are three candidates, please find out and ask for consideration from clerical figures, discussed to find out which one is considered better," said Mahfud.

The event, which was packaged in a prayer with the Madura Family Association (Ikama), Mahfud, who was one of the participants in the presidential election, received a number of questions from community leaders, youth and students.

"Our arrival is not for campaigns, because it has not entered its time. But what is clear is that our principle will continue to uphold justice and eradicate evil as we have done so far," explained Mahfud.

Meanwhile, Ikama Chairman, H. Muhammad Rawi stated that he gave full support to Mahfud MD. He invited all community and ulama leaders to jointly support Madura's best son.

"He is one of Madura's best sons, we really hope for him not only to be a reserve, but to have an important role for the progress of the nation and state," he said.

In addition to Bangkalan, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD also made a working visit to Sumenep to attend the grand istighatsah of the 2024 Peaceful Election. However, before going to Sumenep, he first made a pilgrimage to his parents' meal in Pamekasan.