Take A Peek At Aprilia Manganang's Activities After Retiring From Volleyball

JAKARTA - Aprilia Manganang. A name that is familiar to sports lovers in Indonesia. Aprilia is a former national women's volleyball athlete who is often in the spotlight.

Aprilia announced her retirement from volleyball at the age of 28. He stated his decision through a video uploaded to his personal Instagram account @ manganang92, on September 10 last year. The post has now been deleted.

"On this occasion I would like to say to Indonesian volleyball lovers that I am Aprilia Manganang that I decided to resign from the world of volleyball," said Aprilia.

Retiring from the world that made her name, did not necessarily make Aprilia stop exercising. Recently, he has been intensively appearing on Instagram, uploading photos of his activities at the fitness center.

With a muscular body and tomboy appearance, this pevoli who was born on April 27, 1992 is often accused of being transgender. While he was still actively playing, in the Proliga event, his gender was questioned several times.

It didn't stop there. At the international level, the Philippines national team coach had banned him from playing in the 2015 SEA Games because he suspected Aprila was a man. However, after a series of tests, it was never proven.

Aprilia doesn't come from a rich family. The father works odd jobs while the mother is a housewife. Since childhood, Aprilia has often helped her father hoe in the garden and climb coconut trees.

It was this physical activity that made Aprilia look like a man. However, it is also what makes his performance solid and his punch deadly. Not infrequently the opponent is made ketar-ketir.

Quoting volleyball.world, Aprilia's professional career was scratched for the first time when she joined the Alco Bandung team in 2011. She then moved to BNI 46, Manokwari Valeria, and finally anchored in Jakarta Elektrik PLN.

Together with Elektrik PLN, Aprilia won two Proliga titles 2015 and 2016. She was also awarded the Most Valuable Player (MVP) title in the 2017 season.

While defending Jakarta PGN Popsivo Polwan in the 2019 season, this woman born in Tahuna, North Sulawesi won the Proliga trophy again, mated with her third MVP title plus the title of Best Spiker.

His brilliant career in Indonesia made the Thai club attracted. Generali Supreme Chonburi E-Tech anchored Aprialia at their headquarters. Not in vain, Aprilia led her new team to win the 2019 Thai-Denmark Super League and again won the individual title, MVP.

Unfortunately, while at the peak of his career, Aprilian suffered a knee injury and decided to withdraw from the world of volleyball.