Joko Anwar Called The COVID-19 Pandemic Ruined The Culture Of Watching Movies In Cinemas
JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic has made the shift in films from cinemas to OTT (Over The Top) even more real. According to director Joko Anwar, OTT is a way out for film distribution during this pandemic.
"It is very understandable because even though the cinema is already operating, it is limited to 25-50 percent. People are still afraid that some will not want it, so it is understandable that producers are looking for a safe mode of distribution, especially during a pandemic. This is very reasonable," said Joko Anwar. during a virtual chat with VOI some time ago.
As a filmmaker Joko admits that he is worried that the pandemic will change the style of viewers to enjoy films. "The shift of the audience from the cinema to the OTT is really worrying because if we see the cinema is empty even though the capacity is only 25% or 50% so it is safe, it is still empty. Meanwhile, eating places, restaurants, cafes, hangout places are still busy. It has been established in 20 years, it could have decreased because it is more comfortable and easier to watch at home via OTT. That is indeed something that I'm worried about right now, "he explained.
There are challenges that will remain after the COVID-19 pandemic can be controlled. For example, in 2022 the cinema is normal, the pandemic can be controlled, the cinema's capacity is 100%, the public is no longer worried about going to recreation areas including theaters, Joko is worried that the culture of watching in theaters has been damaged.
"This can only be treated. It can be overcome if Indonesian filmmakers produce films for the big screen that are worthy of striving for the audience to go to the cinema to watch films," he explained.
The audience needs to be reassured to have an exciting viewing experience in the cinema, which cannot be replaced by OTT shows.
"So the films watched in the cinema must really provide a cinematic experience which when watched in the cinema gives a different experience than watching on a small screen. This depends on how the filmmaker can provide these needs to the audience," said Joko Anwar.