5 Tips For Building Healthy Communication With Children

JAKARTA - Communication patterns have a big influence on children's development, both mental and cognitive development. If communication does not go well and smoothly it can have a negative effect.

Healthy communication also plays a big role in creating a sense of comfort and security. Especially now that children spend more time at home or with their parents. This means that parents need to have a way to strengthen emotional bonds with children.

In order to build healthy communication, you can follow the following tips below.

Beginning with asking a question

Questions can trigger many stories from children. However, avoid asking intimidating questions. Because intimidating questions make children feel depressed and tend to want to hide mistakes or things that they don't want to tell.

For example, you can initiate communication with the question "Sis, your drawing is good, how do you make it?". The more specific questions, the easier it is for children to open up to tell stories.

Set aside special time

No matter how busy parents are, spending special time with children is a way to build emotional closeness. Unbeknownst to the parents, maybe the child has various ideas or even unpleasant feelings.

This means that setting aside special time to be filled with activities with children is very important. Why? The closer the child feels, the more comfortable he will be to tell you anything.

Set a good example

Good examples include controlling emotions. This will relate to the previous tips, children will feel safe if parents express their feelings appropriately. For example, avoid irritability because your child makes mistakes. Just give a good example of how to solve mistakes.

The simplest, if guilty is apologizing. Then, lead the child to find a solution version of him.

Navigate how to manage emotions

Often times, children don't recognize how they feel. How is it feeling angry, happy, happy or even bored. Language skills in children may be limited so that he is limited in expressing his feelings.

However, recognizing feelings can minimize tantrums. Can also educate children to better manage their emotions. For that, try to direct the child to recognize how he feels.

Recognize any changes in the child

When they were toddlers, children's knowledge was very dependent on parental direction. At that age, children will ask a lot because they are curious about what they find around them. After growing up, children will be more independent.

Plus technological facilities that make it easy to find anything there. In order to remain positive, identify changes that occur in children's attitudes. Stay in control in accessing the smartphone.

As sophisticated as educational facilities are, children still need guidance and emotional closeness to their parents so that their psychological development is guaranteed. This means that nothing can replace healthy communication patterns with parents.