Ministry Of Transportation Increases Supervision At Airports To Prevent COVID-19

JAKARTA - The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, announced that there were two Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Indonesia who tested positive for the corona virus (COVID-19) yesterday. On this basis, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation has instructed all airports in Indonesia to increase intensive supervision through the FAL Committee at each airport.

Director General of Civil Aviation, Novie Riyanto, explained that as Chair of the National FAL Committee, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation will take more intensive steps to anticipate the spread of the corona virus throughout Indonesia.

"After the presence of 2 Indonesian citizens who contracted the corona virus in Indonesia. We urge all Airport FAL Committees to carry out intensive surveillance at all airports again," Novie Riyanto explained in a statement received by VOI, Tuesday, March 3.

Novie Riyanto added that the Head of the Airport Authority Office and the Head of UPBU and EGM BUBU as Chair of the Airport FAL Committee are responsible for monitoring and coordinating the government oversight function carried out by the Port Health Office (KKP) at the International Airport to prevent the spread of the corona virus throughout the region. Indonesia.

"The Head of the Airport Authority (OBU), Head of UPBU and EGM BUBU as Chair of the Airport FAL Committee are obliged to monitor all developments related to the prevention of the spread of the corona virus in Indonesia, especially in implementing, coordinating and updating the implementation of the surveillance system, in this case the distribution. dangerous infectious diseases through the traffic doors of people at airports, "said Novie.

For that, continued Novie, it is necessary to have intensive coordination with all airports in its working area, as well as coordination with the Port Health Office (KKP).

For information, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 61 of 2015, in Chapter I of Program Objectives, so that all parties related to Facilitation (FAL) understand the scope, procedures and procedures in accordance with the authorities, duties, functions and responsibilities of the related institutions and related service providers in the framework of organizing Facilitation (FAL) in Indonesia.

"We instruct all supervision, inspection of passengers and crew to be carried out intensively. The inspection applies to all passengers, without exception, "he said.

Novie added that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation will continue to provide full support to the KKP in carrying out its duties, along with all aviation stakeholders to be able to work together in increasing supervision in their respective fields.

"And to all passengers, please cooperate to report to local health workers if they feel unwell, so they should immediately report and check with health workers at the airport, do not ignore the symptoms for the sake of your health and other people," concluded Novie.