How To Register For Electric Motor Conversion Subsidy Of 10 Million

YOGYAKARTA For people who want to convert oil-fueled vehicles (BBM), it is advisable to know how to register for the conversion subsidy of 10 million electric motorcycles.

As is known, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) provides incentives for the conversion of electric motors, which is IDR 10 million per unit. The policy is expected to be able to increase the public's desire to participate in the conversion program of electric vehicles. Then how to register for the electric motor subsidy program?

How to register for a subsidy program for the conversion of electric motors is quite easy. The public is required to register on a digital platform on the EBTKE website of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The site provides applicant services for conversion registration, selection of workshop information which is the closest conversion executor from the applicant's location, to checking the status of the work.

Especially for workshops, the same thing applies. Workshops must register to become conversion implementing workshops through the EBTKE platform of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

It should be noted that the conversion program is only carried out for 110-150 cc motorized vehicles. In addition, the vehicle must also be physically roadworthy. The following are the stages that must be passed to become participants in the conversion subsidy of electric motors of Rp. 10 million.

The public must also know that vehicles converted to electricity will be destroyed so that they are not misused. In addition, the conversion electric motor will also receive a warranty for 1 year calculated from the date of handover.

Currently, the conversion quota for electric vehicles set by the government is 50 thousand units. This number will be increased next year to 150 thousand units. That way for people who have not had the opportunity to convert motorbikes this year, they can participate in next year's program.

That's information regarding how to register for the conversion subsidy of 10 million electric motorcycles. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.