Median Survey: Risma's Electability Cannot Compete With Anies Baswedan

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Survey Media (Median) released the results of a survey entitled 'Tight Competition for the Chair of the Governor of DKI Jakarta'.

Although it is not known that the DKI Jakarta Pilkada will be held in 2022 or 2024, the electability of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has not been caught up by the former Surabaya Mayor who is now the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini.

The Median survey was conducted from 31 January to 3 February with 400 respondents who are DKI Jakarta residents who have the right to vote. The survey was conducted with a margin of error of less than 4.9 percent with a confidence level of 95 percent and the sample was selected using multistage random sampling and proportional to the population.

"In head to head terms, Anies Baswedan's electability is at 45 percent versus Tri Rismaharini at 36 percent. The difference is nine percent," said Median Research Director Ade Irfan Abdurahman when describing the results of his survey, Monday, February 15.

Although Anies' electability is still superior, Risma's name is very likely to compete later. Moreover, reflecting on previous surveys conducted by Median, the difference in electability figures which is below 10 percent is very vulnerable.

Another factor, Risma's current electability tends to increase significantly. Because, in the last July 2020 survey, the electability of the Chair of the PDIP DPP was in the range of 4.2 percent.

"And if this is continued, continued with his activities in DKI Jakarta will threaten Anies Baswedan's electability," he said.

Meanwhile, the electability trend in the top three, Anies's name is also in the first position, reaching 42.5 percent. While in second place is the name Risma with 23.5 percent, and in third position is the name Sandiaga Uno who is now the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy with 5.5 percent.

Anies's name was included in the top three electability because 18.6 percent of respondents thought he had a good performance; 11.9 percent considered him religious and pro-Islam; 5.2 percent felt that Anies was able to bring change; 3.1 percent think they are able to continue the program; and 3.1 percent rated him as caring and generous.

Risma is in the top three electability because 14.9 percent of respondents think she has a good performance; 11.7 percent chose it because they often blusukan; 8.5 percent of respondents rated themselves as responsive; 7.4 percent of respondents said Risma was a firm figure; and 7.4 percent rated him as caring and generous.

"It means, what Risma did in DKI Jakarta after she was appointed as Social Minister then went to the field, the blusukan had an effect on her electability," he said.

"So this is homework for Anies. If he wants to increase his electability, he must focus here (blusukan, red)," added Ade.

Meanwhile, Sandiaga Uno was chosen because 22.8 percent of respondents rated him as an entrepreneur; 9.1 percent rated him as a young person; 9.1 percent of respondents believed he could create jobs; 4.5 percent of respondents rated him as caring and generous; and 4.5 percent he's popular.

This survey also noted that in the choice of top of mind or open questions spontaneously to respondents without showing their names, there were a number of figures who were said to be worthy of being the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Apart from the names of Anies and Risma, some of these figures are former DKI Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahja Purnama alias Ahok, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Triwaksana, Chair of DKI Jakarta DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, artist Baim Wong, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria, and member of the Indonesian Parliament Abraham Lunggana alias Haji Lulung.

Meanwhile, figures deemed appropriate to be Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta are Sandiaga Uno, Ahmad Riza Patria, Tri Rismaharini, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Ganjar Pranowo, Abraham Lunggana, artist Rafi Ahmad, former TNI Commander Gatot Nurmantyo, Basuki Tjahja Purnama alias Ahok, Ridwan Kamil. , and Acting Chairman of PSI Giring Ganesha.