Confesses That The Duke Of Dolken Is Like A Condolence To Be The Figure Of A Father For His Daughter

JAKARTA - The couple Adipati Dolken and Canti Tachril are enjoying their time as parents of their first daughter Naeswari Isthika Dyah Koesmadj or who is familiarly known as Baby Nae.

On one occasion, the Duke of Dolken or known as Dodot expressed his feelings as a father. He felt like he was someone new again when his daughter was present in their midst.

"Yes, it's like that, yes, I have a new taste, it's like just waking up, someone is disturbing me, so I wake up being beaten, grabbed, pinched," said Adipati Dolken in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.

"It feels good, a new feeling that previously had no taste like that now there is," he continued.

Even so, both Dodot and Canti admit that they often fight because of differences of opinion regarding parenting for baby Nea.

Not wanting to bother with that, the 32-year-old man tried to make dissent with his wife a good thing, for them and their children.

"Debating, for sure. It means having a different mind, it's good, we don't always have to be the same, right, but how can we implement different things, so we can implement something positive at home like what," said Adipati.

"Yes, there must be debate, fighting, but how can it be positive, not angry, but whatever we debate for the good of us and our children," he explained.