VIDEO: Fadli Zon Supports Agus Subiyanto To Become The Next TNI Commander

JAKARTA - After being active as a member of the World Parliament Organization in the IPU, Fadli Zon opened his voice regarding Pak Jokowi's proposal regarding the name of the replacement for the TNI Commander who will retire at the end of November.

Fadli is known to agree with the proposed name Agus Subiyanto from the President of the Republic of Indonesia and considers this to be the right and careful decision. The candidate for TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto conveyed his vision and mission in front of Commission I of the DPR RI at 10 am on November 13.

President Joko Widodo proposed Agus' name as the replacement for the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono who will retire at the end of November 2023. Fadli Zon also explained that Agus' career experience was complete. He was once assigned as Dandim, Danrem, Danpaspampres, Pangdam III/Siliwangi, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army and now serves as Army Chief of Staff.

Fadli believes that Agus is able to manage and lead the unit where he is on duty, as stipulated in Article 15 of Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI. Namely, the TNI Commander leads the TNI, implements state defense policies, implements military strategies and carries out military operations.

According to the Chairman of the BKSAP DPR RI, there are three challenges from the upcoming TNI Commander, namely the potential conflict in the South China Sea adjacent to the North Natuna Sea belonging to Indonesia, the world economic turmoil caused by the Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Palestinian wars, as well as the challenges of the 2024 General Election. Watch the video below.