Ahmad Aulia's Confession About Munarman: His Fighting Style Is Different From ISIS, Anti-violence

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR, Habiburokhman, admitted that he had known the former General Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Munarman since the 1990s.

It is impossible for Munarman who is outspoken in public to be involved in a terrorist network or group, ISIS.

"Munarman's way of fighting is far from that of ISIS. He is used to fighting in open areas, in brightly lit areas, not committing violence and so on, which are the characteristics of ISIS", he explained in a virtual discussion held on Sunday, February 14.

Apart from personal reasons, the video evidence of the alleged terrorist confession that dragged Munarman's name was not strong enough as evidence. There needs to be communication, documents, someone's statement as other supporting evidence.

Moreover, said the Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, it seems strange that the video which is the material for investigations by the authorities has actually leaked to the public.

If it is a legal product, it is better if the truth is traced first, followed up legally, looking for a correlation between one fact and another.

"Of course it will raise questions, whether the person is independent or not conveying it. It means being depressed or not", he explained.

Also, Habiburokhman admitted that he did not believe the FPI provided support for ISIS. The reason is, the allegation has never been proven.

"If there was an incident in 2015, it was six years ago, in investigating terrorist crimes I think it is usually done quickly", he said.

Even so, Habiburokhman submitted this case to the authorities to process the investigation and investigation. "So we just leave this to the legal process like what, we can't make narratives, we can't also speculate in this case", he said.

Munarman's name being dragged into a terrorist group was first discovered through the confession of a suspected terrorist named Ahmad Aulia (AA). Ahmad Aulia was arrested in Makassar.

Ahmad Aulia said that he took allegiance to Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, during the FPI's declaration of support for Daulatul Islam in January 2015. Munarman as the Central FPI administrator attended the event, Ustaz Fauzan and Ustaz Basri who led the allegiance. After the pledge, Ahmad Aulia admitted that he regularly participated in a study religion at the FPI Makassar headquarters.