Good News, Economy Train Fares Will Be Cheaper

JAKARTA - The government, through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), provides subsidies rates for economy class trains of IDR 3.4 trillion in 2021. The amount of this subsidy has increased compared to last year's IDR 2.6 trillion.

The provision of subsidies was marked by the signing of a Public Service Obligation (PSO) Contract for Economy Class Railroad Passenger Transportation by the Director-General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation Zulfikri and the Director of PT KAI Didiek Hartantyo, Sunday, February 14.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said this was proof that the state was here to provide excellent and consistent rail transportation services to remote areas by providing affordable rates.

Budi explained that the train's mode is one of the modes that all levels of society are interested in. He requested that the railway service ensure the implementation of health protocols runs well in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We also ask PT KAI to manage the subsidies provided by the government properly and professionally so that the impact is felt directly by the community", said Budi, through a written statement received by VOI, Sunday, February 14.

Meanwhile, the Director-General of Railways, Zulfikri, revealed that the economy class train subsidy starts from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021. It is provided for inter-city train services, namely Long Distance Economy Train in 3 (three) service lines with a volume of 1,375. 481 passengers in one year, Medium Distance Economy trains on 10 routes (3,276,157 passengers), and Lebaran trains on 1 service route (26,445 passengers).

Second, urban train services, namely Short Distance Economy Train (Ka Local) in 28 service lines with a volume of 21,227,975 passengers per year, Economy Diesel Rail Train (3,495,456 passengers), Jabodetabek Electric Rail Train (KRL). (166,365,911 passengers), and KRL Jogja-Solo by volume (2,229,887 passengers).

"Unlike the previous year, the payment scheme for PSO this year is monthly, not quarterly. The hope is that with monthly payments, the service will be better and can support the financial performance of PT KAI", said Zulkifli.

The program for providing subsidies for economy-class trains is mandated by Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways, where the Government can provide subsidies for the difference in rates in the form of Public Service Obligation (PSO) with an assignment mechanism to State-Owned Corporation (BUMN), in this case, PT KAI as the operator.

The provision of subsidies in 2021 refers to the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KM 355 of 2020 dated December 30, 2020, concerning the Assignment of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) to Organize Public Service Obligations for Economy Class Train People Transport for the Fiscal Year 2021.