Police Support Indonesian Membership In FATF

JAKARTA - The National Police as a member of the National Coordination Committee for the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering or the Money Laundering Committee fully supports Indonesia's membership in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

"As members of the TPPU Committee, in principle, all institutions have the same duties, obligations and responsibilities, as well as a strong commitment to prevent and eradicate TPPU and the Crime of Terrorism Financing (TPPT)," said Head of Sub-Directorate III for Money Laundering at the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Police Commissioner Robertus Yohanes Dedeo as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 10.

According to Deo, no special tasks were assigned to members of the TPPU Committee after Indonesia joined as the 40FATF permanent members. However, each relevant institution or institution has a focus area or sector in accordance with their respective competencies.

"This is as regulated in the FATF recommendations tested in the MER assessment as a condition for being a full member of the FATF," he said.

For the National Police, enter the law enforcement group or law enforcement agency (LEA) with a focus on the area in the field of investigation and investigation of money laundering offenses, tracing and recovering assets, international cooperation in investigations and ATR as well as prevention and eradication of TPPT.

"The National Police is also focused on preventing and eradicating funding related to policies and weapons of mass destruction," he added.

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an organization consisting of developed and developing countries, which cooperate to form and practice the same standards to eradicate money laundering offenses, financing terrorism, and proliferation financing of weapons of mass destruction.

The joining of Indonesia as a full member of the FATF was obtained through a series of tests, both from the direct evaluation (on-site mutual evaluation review/MER) by the FATF team from July to August 2020 and the assessment at the Plenary Meeting FATF in June 2023.

Indonesia officially joined as the 40FATF member on October 27, 2023. President Joko Widodo announced the news on Monday (6/11).

Quoted from the PPATK page, after the determination of Indonesia as a member of the FATF, the TPPU Committee led by Mekopolhukam Mahfud Md held a meeting on Tuesday (7/11), discussing three main agendas.

The three agendas are related to the report on the results of the FATF plenary session on October 20-27 in Paris, related to increasing the synergy of ministries/agencies in responding to Indonesia's full membership in the FATF, as well as optimizing monitoring and follow-up of financial intelligence products at the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) by recipient agencies.

After the determination of Indonesia as a full member of the FATF, there are obligations that must be fulfilled and prepared by the Indonesian government.

Several things need to be prepared include preparing regulations that form the basis for implementing Indonesia's obligations in carrying out its obligations as members, including paying membership contributions.

In addition, active contributions from ministries/agencies in various work groups and projects at FATF are needed as well as the availability of human resources to become assessors of reviewers and ICRG leads and various other strategic activities.

At the meeting, all participants who attended fully supported the steps that must be taken by Indonesia to take part in the FATF.