Change Of Habits During Pandemic Period, Valentine's Day This Year Is Much Homier

JAKARTA - Given the pandemic is still ongoing, it is likely to be a more comfortable experience to celebrate at home. According to a market research report by Suzy, some 70 percent of Americans plan to celebrate at home.

Based on consumer research, the trend for sending and giving gifts is still going on. The gift in the form of chocolate candy and flowers will top the list. Market research has found that the most popular gifts based on consumer purchasing power include the following:

  • Jewelry by 54 percent
  • Greeting cards by 52 percent
  • Grapes or wine by 42 percent
  • Perfume and cosmetics by 45 percent

Quoting the Retail Customer Experience, Sunday, February 14, restrictions related to the spread of Covid-19 have had a big impact. Based on the number of respondents, 24 percent of the 38 percent originally planned to travel, changed plans completely.

Initially, they planned to celebrate a special day, Valentine's Day, like last year. But they chose to celebrate Valentine's Day at home. In the company's release engaged in market research disclosed the following statements.

"Research shows that Valentine's Day this year means a candlelight dinner in the kitchen, not a night out on the town, and brands have to adjust," said Avi Savar, President of Suzy.

Various aspects influence the way we celebrate Valentine's Day this year. According to BBC London, Sunday, February 14, a family chose to celebrate the warmth of the family around the house. Like cycling around the complex and enjoying public spaces such as a flower garden near the house.

This choice is motivated by changes in income levels. Deep Bajwa's business, 37 years old, has experienced a major slump, so the wisely chosen method is not the burdensome one. That is, by continuing to celebrate the closeness of the family with wife and children at home.

Ivana Poku, a life coach from Hertfordshire, also experienced quite a difficult year. The pandemic has an impact on mental health and relationships with partners. However, the couple still celebrates Valentine's Day in an effort to celebrate love by hugging when they wake up in the morning and exchanging homemade gifts.

Anna Rear, a 39-year-old singer, also celebrates Valentine's Day in a different way. Her partner, Ricardo, lives outside the city. She gives a gift in the form of a music video that her partner can hear over and over again wherever he is.

Valentine's Day is also often celebrated through romantic encounters on digital platforms, such as Zoom. How do you and your partner enjoy Valentine's Day? Hopefully, you will stay healthy and wisely in deciding what you can do.