Inspired By The Virsa Song, A Film About Missing Is Specially Prepared For Valentine

JAKARTA - The film about Rindu was released on Wednesday, February 13 at Klik Film to welcome Valentine. This film, which is inspired by the Virsa song of the same name, stars Aurora Ribero and Omar Daniel. The romantic story of the father-son relationship such as the Virsa video clip is developed more widely in this film.

"We did take the Virsa song entitled About Rindu as inspiration for making a film. However, the story was developed again," said Director of Klik Film some time ago.

The song About Rindu itself was released two years ago and to date, it has been played 149 million times. The number of players in the song on YouTube is recognized as the main reason why making this film.

"Yes, the number of views is our consideration. Hopefully, those who feel close to this song will be interested in watching the film too," he continued.

However, neither the songwriter and singer were involved in the filming. "This is Klik Film's first original production. We made it with sincerity, the team involved is also a professional team," he explained.

Aurora plays Rini, who inherits the Picollo restaurant from her father. Even though he had not seen the father for a long time. Meeting with the restaurant chef played by Omar Daniel, they agreed that they wanted to revive the Picollo restaurant.

"Before shooting, I never went to the kitchen to cook. My intention was to take a course for this film but the pandemic didn't match the timing. Fortunately, the original chef waited for me to shoot, so taught to cook. Here now, I like to cook," he said.

For Aurora, this film is interesting because it not only shows love for partners, but also for parents.

Milea Extended

Apart from About Rindu, the Milea Extended film will also air on Klik Film today. Director Fajar Bustomi hopes that the presence of this film at Klik Film can treat the disappointment of Dilan fans who cannot go to the cinema.

"When the film was shown in theaters, many DM to me. I asked when it was broadcast to OTT, because they were still afraid of going to the cinema during the pandemic season. At that time I could not answer, because it was not in my authority. So, when Valentine aired on Klik Film This is very fitting, like answering their questions so far, "said Fajar.

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