Google Labels COVID-19 'SOS' Emergency Virus

JAKARTA - The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global emergency for the spread of the corona virus. The impact of this virus is starting to be felt in a number of countries, including Indonesia, which has announced its first cases.

Tech giant Google has also marked the outbreak of the coronavirus or COVID-19 as an emergency. This SOS warning has been issued since the corona virus outbreak began to spread to a number of countries.

Google has also formed a partnership with WHO to provide information regarding the corona virus and safe tips so as not to catch the outbreak. If the user enters the keyword or keywords' Corona, 'Novel Coronavirus', or' COVID-19 'in the Google search engine, the SOS Alert feature will appear and the latest information about the virus that has claimed the lives of 3,000 people worldwide.

"SOS alerts aim to facilitate easy access to emergency information in times of crisis caused by humans or nature. We collect relevant and authoritative content from the web, social media and Google products, then highlight that information in Google Search, such as search and Maps, "wrote Google.

Screenshot of SOS Alert corona virus (Google Search)

Positive Google employees get Corona

Launching from CNBC, a Google employee was reported positive for the corona virus. The employee concerned is based in Zurich, Switzerland.

Google is also taking precautionary measures, by limiting the travel of their staff to a number of countries that are currently hit by the coronavirus outbreak, such as Italy, Japan, Iran and South Korea.

“We can confirm that one employee from our office in Zurich has been diagnosed with the coronavirus. They are in the Zurich office for a limited time, before they have any symptoms, "a Google spokesperson told CNBC.

This is the first false Google employee report to be infected with the Corona virus. Because in total, this internet giant has around 120 thousand workers spread across a number of countries.

Since the corona virus began to spread, Google has canceled a number of important events and conferences until next April.

"We will continue to take all necessary precautions, following the advice of public health officials, as we prioritize the health and safety of everyone," he continued.

Apart from Google, the world's largest e-commerce store Amazon has also started advising its employees not to travel during the COVID-19 outbreak. In an e-mail message, Amazon senior vice president Dave Clark asked his employees to reschedule an international agenda, until the end of April.

In fact, the technology industry is a sector that is quite affected by the spread of the corona virus. In addition to the closure of a number of retail stores, technology manufacturers have also postponed the production process of their electronic devices.

Technology developer meetings such as the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain have also been postponed. Likewise, companies such as Amazon, ZTE, Sony, Facebook have started canceling a number of their annual agendas.