Appearance Of A Paper Bottle Being Tried Coca Cola

JAKARTA - Coca Cola is considering using paper bottles to replace the plastic bottles that have been used as packaging. They have tested it.

Coca Cola describes this as part of a long-term effort to eliminate plastic. This prototype was made by a Danish company from an extra strong paper shell which still contains a thin plastic layer.

Laboratory trials (Source: Coca Cola)

But the goal is to make plastic-free bottles that are 100 percent recyclable and able to prevent gases from escaping from carbonated drinks. The barrier should also ensure that no fibers are peeling into the liquid.

That would pose a risk of changing the taste of the drink or potentially violating health and safety checks. But Coca Cola's determination was great. In 2020 they have made a commitment to produce zero plastic waste.


The development of this paper-based container will involve the Danish company, Paboco. There are several challenges that have been predicted.

First, they had to create a structure that could withstand the pressure that coke exerts. In addition, the paper must be printed in different shapes and sizes of bottles for different brands.

After more than seven years working in the laboratory, Paboco is now ready to host a Coca Cola Adez fruit drink trial in Hungary this summer. In the initial stage, there will be two thousand bottles distributed through local retail chains.

Adez paper bottles (Source: Coca Cola)

Apart from Coca Cola, Absolut, a well-known vodka producer, will also test two thousand of their paper bottles in the UK and Sweden. The trial will be used for a pre-blended carbonated raspberry drink.

Others, Carlsberg also made a similar breakthrough. They are also developing a paper beer bottle prototype.