Minister Of Health Terawan's Story About The Chronology Of Indonesians Affected By COVID-19

JAKARTA - Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto explained the chronology that caused two Indonesian citizens to contract the corona virus or COVID-19. He conveyed this after visiting the two patients at the Sulianti Saroso Infection Center Hospital (RSPI).

The first Indonesian citizen who was infected was a 31 year old woman. She is a dance teacher who is in close contact with Japanese nationals who previously tested positive for the coronavirus on February 14.

"Because he is a dance teacher, he danced with his close friend who is a Japanese national," said Terawan when met at the location, Monday, March 2.

Two days later on February 16, the dance teacher felt unwell and had a persistent cough. He had time to go to the hospital for outpatient treatment, before finally returning home.

Furthermore, on February 26th, he suffered from fever, cough and shortness of breath that did not go away. Then, he decided to return to the hospital. Until finally, this Indonesian citizen received information that the Japanese citizen who was his partner was positive for corona.

"He was called by his dance friend, that the Japanese national was being treated in Malaysia, with a positive corona. Then this Indonesian citizen informed the nurse," explained Terawan.

As a result, this Indonesian citizen was supervised with intensive care and was transferred to RSPI Sulianti Saroso since March 1. The hospital also examined the mother and relatives who live with her.

Not long ago, his 64-year-old mother tested positive for the corona and was also treated at RSPI Sulianti Saroso. Meanwhile, the remaining two people in the house showed no symptoms of being infected with the corona.

"But, we ask the two people who live together to check their conditions here (RSPI Sulianti Saroso)," he said.

Until now, Terawan admitted, the two positive corona patients were in quite good condition, even though they were still coughing.

"He is in an isolation room, in a separate building by himself, in the RSPI isolation room which already meets the standards, this is a national referral hospital for infectious diseases," he said.

The next step, the government will carry out surveillance tracking or carry out further investigations. This is done by searching for people who have had close contact with patients, exploring the environment around the residence, and the hospitals that have been visited.

"We check to be careful. It doesn't mean that everything has to be swapped. You have to remember, not everyone in the contact becomes sick or is corona positive," he concluded.