Pinangki Attorney's 10-Year Prison Sentence Left A Riddle

JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court has sentenced prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari to 10 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 600 million, a subsidiary of six months in prison.

The verdict is heavier than the demands of the public prosecutor from the Attorney General's Office who asked that the woman prosecutor be sentenced to six years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, a subsidiary of six months in prison.

The former head of the Sub-Division of Monitoring and Evaluation II of the Planning Bureau of the Junior Attorney General's Office for the Development of the Attorney General's Office is considered to have committed three acts, namely accepting a bribe of US $ 500,000 from Djoko Tjandra, carrying out money laundering, and making malicious conspiracy related to the case of Djoko Tjandra, the number one wanted fugitive. -Search for more than 10 years.

In the first indictment, Pinangki was deemed proven to have accepted a bribe of US $ 500,000 from the convicted "cessie" Bank Bali case, Djoko Tjandra.

The money was given with the aim that the convicted person in the Bank Bali "cessie" case, who has been fugitive for 11 years, Djoko Tjandra, can return to Indonesia without having to be sentenced to two years in prison based on the Judgment of Review Number 12 dated 11 June 2009.


Even though the judge's decision was unanimous against Pinangki, at least two puzzles had not been uncovered in the trial.

The first puzzle is that the figure of the king maker who was asked by Pinangki has not yet been revealed so that Djoko Tjandra does not need to be imprisoned for two years. Even though the king maker was discussed by Pinangki and Kolopaking.

In considering the decision, the panel of judges stated that the figure of the king maker was found in the chat communication on the WhatsApp application between Pinangki's number and Kolopaking on and also contained in the Investigation Report, the name of witness Rahmat, who brought Pinangki to Djoko Tjandra for the first time.

"The assembly tried to find out who the king maker was by asking Pinangki, Kolopaking, Rahmat, and Djoko Tjandra on November 19, 2019, at The Exchange Kuala Lumpur, but they still didn't want to explain it," said Purwanto some time ago.

In the conversation, Pinangki explained to Djoko Tjandra about the steps to re-enter Indonesia, namely: "You will be detained first, while we will take care of the PK, I will report it to the" king maker ". The "king maker" is referred to there anonymously.

But unfortunately Pinangki did not explain who the figure of the king maker was who could smooth Djoko Tjandra's desire to return to Indonesia without having to undergo a criminal sentence.

The panel of judges said that it was already in the form of exploring who was the king maker by asking Pinangki and Anita because they were discussing the king maker, but neither Pinangki, Kolopaking, Rahmat, nor Djoko Tjandra revealed that.

The second puzzle is that Pinangki and Anita Kolopaking are known to have discussed other legal cases handled by the Supreme Court.

The case is the arrangement for clemency for the former Governor of Riau, Annas Maamun, as a convicted person in a forest conversion bribery case.

"Based on digital evidence on November 26, 2019 at 6.13 - 7.50 PM, the defendant's conversation with witness Anita Kolopaking was found regarding Annas Maamun's clemency," said Purwanto.

The conversation, according to him, proved that apart from being related to Djoko Tjandra, Pinangki used to handle cases with Kolopaking; particularly in relation to the Attorney General's Office.

Maamun is known to have been released from the Sukamiskin Penitentiary, Bandung on September 21, 2020 because he received clemency from President Jokowi through Presidential Decree No. 23 / G on October 26, 2019 so that the sentence for Maamun was reduced by one year to six years in prison from the previous sentence of seven years in prison based on the verdict. Supreme Court cassation.

Pinangki's response

After the trial on Monday, February 8, Pinangki and his legal team immediately left the courtroom through the side door without saying a word.

One of Pinangki's legal team, Kresna Hutauruk, said Pinangki and the team still used seven days to think about whether to accept the verdict or file an appeal.

Meanwhile, one of the prosecutors at the Attorney General's Office, KMS Roni, also did not comment much on the judge's decision which was far higher than the demand.

"Alhamdulillah, I hope it will fulfill the people's sense of justice," he said.