Sealed From COVID 19, Doni Munardo: Alhamdulillah

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo was declared to have recovered from COVID-19. The head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has carried out independent isolation for 20 days.

This afternoon, Doni underwent a Polymerase Chain Reaction swab test. After a few hours, the results were found to be negative.

"Alhamdulillah. Of course I am grateful to Allah SWT for the negative results of this Covid. I would like to thank all parties, the doctors at the hospital, the team of task force doctors and BNPB for all the support and attention that has been given. Including the prayers of friends, prayers from the community. for the sake of my recovery, "said Doni in his statement, Friday, February 12.

On January 23, Doni Monardo announced that he was currently positive for COVID-19. Doni admitted that he was positive for the corona virus after undergoing busy activities in the past week, namely leading the disaster management for the West Sulawesi earthquake and floods in South Kalimantan.

Doni arrived in Mamuju on Friday, January 15, less than 12 hours from when the earthquake in West Sulawesi occurred. Next, Doni moved to Banjarmasin on Sunday, January 17th. Then, Doni returned to Mamuju on Tuesday, January 19 morning and returned to Jakarta yesterday.

Then on Friday, January 22 afternoon, after returning from a work visit, Doni and all the staff who accompanied him underwent a PCR test. As a result, one of his staff also tested positive.

Doni suspected that he had contracted the corona virus when he removed his mask while eating at the disaster sites he visited, namely West Sulawesi and South Kalimantan. During one week leading the disaster management in both locations, Doni ate with several other people.

"So I believe it was when I took off my mask and ate that I was infected," said Doni on Saturday, February 23.

In fact, Doni admitted that he had been very disciplined in carrying out health protocols by always wearing a mask and washing his hands.

“COVID-19 is so close to us. So far, I have tried my best to be obedient and disciplined in following health protocols and still be infected. With this incident I asked people not to be lax in wearing masks, keep their distance and stay away from crowds, and diligently wash their hands with soap and running water, ”he said.