Ministry Of Health Issues SE: Elderly, Comorbid, And Survivors Can Be Vaccinated With COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health issued Circular Number HK.02.02 / I / 368/2021 concerning the Implementation of COVID-19 Vaccination for the Target Group for the Elderly, Comorbids, and COVID-19 Survivors as well as the Target Delay.

Plt. The Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, said the National Immunization Expert Advisory Committee had submitted a study that COVID-19 vaccination could be given to groups aged 60 years and over, comorbids, and COVID-19 survivors.

In addition, breastfeeding mothers have also been allowed to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. This is related to the approval of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

"This is due to the addition of indications for COVID-19 vaccination for those aged 60 years and over and considering the amount of target postponed in the first phase of vaccination," Maxi said in his statement, Friday, February 12.

In the elderly group, the vaccination was given in two doses with a distance of 28 days from the first dose to the second dose.

Then, in the comorbid group. People with hypertension can be vaccinated unless their blood pressure is above 180/110 MmHg. Also, blood pressure measurements should be taken before the screening table.

"Diabetes can be vaccinated as long as there are no acute complications. Cancer survivors can still be vaccinated," he said.

Then, COVID-19 survivors or people who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 and have recovered can also be vaccinated if it is more than 3 months after recovery. Furthermore, nursing mothers can also receive vaccines.

"All postponed targets will be given information to come back to health service facilities for vaccinations," he said.

Maxi asked the Heads of Provincial and District / City Health Offices throughout Indonesia to immediately take the necessary corrective actions in order to improve the smooth implementation of vaccinations and accelerate the increase in the coverage of the COVID-19 vaccination.