According To Psychologists, The Dream Meaning Of An Cheating Partner Is Not Always Bad

JAKARTA - There is an old saying, dreams are sleep flowers. Of course scientists would not consider this figurative sentence to be a scientific explanation of dreams.

According to Teresa DiDonato, Ph.D., a social psychologist at the University of Maryland, says that dreams are often social and related to each person's personal situation. When you dream that your partner is cheating on you, how strong this personal situation triggers anxiety.

Before exploring the dream meaning of an cheating partner, based on DiDonato's explanation, dreaming about a relationship can affect the quality of the relationship.

Unconsciously, before dreaming there may be no tension or just being normal. But once awakened from this unpleasant dream, it will certainly have a big effect on your attitude towards your partner.

Based on a review by DF Selterman and colleagues published in the journal Psychological and Personality Science in 2014, when someone dreams of a conflict with their partner, they tend to experience a lot of conflict the next day.

When someone dreams of a romantic event with their partner, the next day they report feeling closer to their partner.

In their research, Selterman and other members of the research team involved 60 people who had partners. They were asked to record dreams for two weeks and report their feelings of love, intimacy and closeness with their partner every day.

About 85 percent reported dreaming of their partner. Everyone has different dreams, for example, dreams of fighting with their partners, dreams of romantic interactions, engaging in sexual relations, and some dreaming that their partners are cheating on them.

Psychological experiences that are triggered from dreams about someone with whom we have a relationship for a long time will influence attitudes in waking life.

This idea may seem unrelated, but our experience of our relationship with someone, a lover for example, is not based on objective reality. That is, to interpret a partner's behavior through dreams can involve subjective assumptions that need to be confirmed in reality.

Subjective things are not necessarily accurate, but they can color how we feel about relationships.

According to DiDonato, paying attention to dreams might improve the quality of relationships. And maybe also the opposite, because it is surrounded by tension and anxiety when dreaming that a partner is cheating, the attitude to the partner afterwards actually worsens the situation.

So, what does the dream meaning of an cheating partner? The foundation of building quality relationships is a reality. You can prevent bad potential after awakening from a nightmare by lowering tension and confirming the foundation of the relationship.