Jusuf Kalla Wants Women Not To Ignore Education

The 10th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia and 12th Muhammad Jusuf Kalla emphasized the importance of women not ignoring or ignoring the level of education, because it is one of the efforts to look to the future.

"Education is to see the future. It is different from museums that see the past," said Muhammad Jusuf Kalla in Padang Panjang City, Saturday.

This was conveyed by Jusuf Kalla while attending the 100th anniversary of the Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang College, West Sumatra.

According to him, Puteri Padang Panjang's Diniyyah University does not only teach, educate or forge students about religious science and general knowledge. However, the educational unit founded by Rahamah El Yunusiyyah also gave birth to a nation capable of technology and information.

"This college is following the times. Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang also teaches about robotics or technology and that is the future," said Jusuf Kalla.

Jusuf Kalla, who is also the General Chair of the Indonesian Red Cross, explained the importance of education for all groups, including women. This is because the progress of the times demands anyone to be able to adapt to technological and information developments.

On that occasion, Jusuf Kalla gave an example of his mother who used to spend at least six hours every day taking care of various activities at home.

"At least in a day my mother spent six hours at home cooking, washing taking care of the house and so on," recalled JK as he is familiarly called.

However, with the advancement of technology and information, all these activities are more helped. In fact, now people easily and easily just order food or drinks through the application.

In other words, currently the community, especially women, have much more free time than before the entry of technology. "The positive impact is that the women's profession is getting wider so it must be adjusted to the level of education," said Jusuf Kalla.