3 Sports To Get Rid Of Stomach Fat, Easy And Safe To Do!

YOGYAKARTA Accumulating and moisturizing belly fat can lose confidence. In addition, a buildup of fat in the stomach can also increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. To erode it, you need to exercise regularly so that your stomach is not distended and loose. Here are a series of sports to remove belly fat that can be used as an option.

For information, the accumulation of fat in the stomach occurs when the amount of calories from the food consumed exceeds the amount of calories burned by the body to energy.

In addition, a buildup of fat in the stomach can also be caused by:

To get rid of fat in the stomach, there are several things you can do. Of course, it takes time and hard work to get the stomach muscle as you want. If you are limited in time, you can also try exercise before going to bed to erode the fat on your stomach.

Quoted from Ai-Care, here are a series of sports to get rid of safe and easy-to-practice belly fats:

1. Lung Jump

Lunge jump is one of the variations of the lunge movement that is usually done to strengthen and form the lower muscles of the body.

In addition to strengthening the thigh muscles, this movement can also shrink the stomach muscle. Here are the steps to perform the lunge jump:

2. Bodyweight quat

The sport to reduce belly fat next is bodyweight squat. This sport needs to be done properly so as not to cause pain in the lower back.

As for how to do the right bodyweight, namely:

3. Plank

Plank is a static exercise that targets many muscle groups. The concept of plank movement is that the body forms a straight line parallel from head to toe by using the arm as a focus.

Although it looks easy to do, this exercise should not be carried out carelessly because it can increase the risk of injury.

To do the right plank, pay attention to the following steps.

That's information about exercise to get rid of belly fat. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.