Portrait Of Yasmine Wildblood Vacation In South Korea, Beautiful Wearing Traditional Clothing

JAKARTA - Vacation to South Korea, Yasmine Wildblood took the time to do a photo shoot wearing the traditional clothes of Ginseng Country, Hanbok. Take a peek at the following stunning performances reported from his Instagram page @yaswildblood.

Vacation with his friends in South Korea, Yasmine Wildblood did not forget to take the time to take pictures in the style of Korean women at one of the well-known tourist spots.

Instead of wearing a fashionable outfit, Yasmine chose to wear traditional Korean women's clothes, Hanbok. Yasmine looks so beautiful and elegant.

Yasmine did her photo shoot with Hanbok at one of the famous tourist spots in Korea, namely Bukchon Hanok Village. This traditional village is often a tourist destination who wants to vacation in Korea.

Yasmine looks stunning wrapped in a yellow and blue feel with a red ribbon. She also held a beautiful red bag matching the color of the ribbon on her shirt.

His face was dressed in flexible natural makeup. While his hair was styled in a typical Korean woman style when wearing Hanbok, complete with accessories on his head. Because he is as natural as possible, Yasmine's beauty is really radiated.

Yasmine's appearance wrapped in hanbok successfully stole the attention. Many netizens were fascinated by the natural appearance of this mother of 3 children.