Jokowi Asks Local Governments Not To Lack On 3T Issues, The Most Important Is Its Implementation In The Field, In The Field!

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked local governments to continue to improve 3T, namely testing, tracing, and treatment in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

During this time, he always reminded about the improvement and strengthening of this 3T. However, all of these things still depend on the implementation in the field.

This was conveyed by Jokowi in front of the mayors and deputy mayors who attended the opening ceremony of National Conference IV of the Association of Indonesian Municipal Governments (APEKSI) at the State Palace, Jakarta.

"It has been two weeks that I have continued to emphasize this issue but the most important thing is the implementation in the field, the implementation in the field is the most important thing," he said when opening the event which was broadcast online on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, February 11.

In addition, Jokowi asked people caught exposed to this virus to be immediately isolated.

"Testing, tracking, then isolation is important. If someone is found infected with the virus, immediately isolate it. Prepare a centralized isolation in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, BNPB, TNI and Polri," said Jokowi.

Furthermore, the former governor of DKI Jakarta also said that in treating COVID-19 patients, there are several things that need serious attention, such as the provision of medicines to the availability of hospital beds.

"The preparedness of medical personnel must always be checked and monitored. Do not hesitate if it is deemed insufficient, do not hesitate to ask for help from the central government, TNI and Polri," he concluded.