The Case Of Super Spreading COVID-19 In South Korea

JAKARTA - Since the announcement of the corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak, the number of infected patients in South Korea has continued to increase. There were 3,150 cases of COVID-19 infection in recent weeks.

In medical terms, the spread of a viral outbreak that occurs in one location quickly is referred to as 'Super Spreading'. This figure will still continue to grow, along with the number of cases of corona virus infection reported in Daegu City.

Daegu is the fourth largest city in South Korea with a population of 2.5 million people. This area is thought to be the center of the spread of COVID-19 in the "Ginseng" Country. Especially since it was reported that three women and a man died, bringing the number of victims to 17 nationally. All of them were in their 60s or older.

The number of victims or cases of infection could even increase, with examinations being carried out at the Shincheonji Church of Jesus. The church is a secret entity that is often accused of being a cult. Where there are 260 thousand followers of the church.

Launching from Yonhap, the South Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) is investigating followers from the Shincheonji church. Authorities believe that members of the group infected each other during divine services in Daegu and spread throughout the country, without being detected.

Among those who test positive for the virus, 80 percent can be treated because they have "mild symptoms." However, those who are deemed not infected will be further monitored, following reports of the death of one of the patients after testing positive for the corona virus twice.

Now the streets of Daegu have been largely deserted for days, despite long lines at several shops selling masks. Authorities have urged the public to exercise caution and anyone with fever or respiratory symptoms to stay home.

Even so, the government of "Ginseng" has said it will not carry out a citywide quarantine, as was done in Wuhan, China, where the virus first emerged.

The surge in confirmed cases has led to numerous delays and even the cancellation of events. The city government of Daegu was also forced to postpone the new school season for 800 schools, for the next three weeks. A number of factories and manufacturing companies such as Hyundai and Samsung are also reportedly suspending operations.