Raffi Ahmad's Story When Arrested By The National Narcotics Agency: Do Not Blame The Situation, You Must Find A Solution To Get Up

JAKARTA - Artist and presenter Raffi Ahmad reveals the toughest problem he has ever faced. In a conversation with comedian Sule on the YouTube channel Sule Channel, Nagita Slavina's husband recalled the moment when he was arrested by BNN for drug possession 8 years ago.

Raffi said that the incident was the first time he had stumbled on a case which had become a national topic of conversation. And that's not easy to deal with.

Raffi did not deny that his life used to be quite free. He is also consumptive and rarely holds cash, so when he was detained by BNN for 4 months his money almost ran out. Her account is frozen.

"In the past, my monthly installments were 700 million to 900 (million). When I entered BNN for 4 months, I felt that my savings were almost gone because I didn't work," said Raffi.

After leaving BNN, Raffi started from zero again. He tried to get up from adversity. Believe it or not believe it, after a week, a number of private television stations opened their doors for Raffi. Many job offers approached him.

The first thing Raffi did after his release from BNN was apologize to his mother. He washed the mother's feet.

"The first thing I did, I was washing my mother's feet, I'm sorry," said Raffi.

There is always a wisdom behind disaster. The case changed Raffi 360 degrees. Yuni Shara's ex-lover is no longer wasteful. He got a number of jobs and started saving money.

"Allah, if you want to take it, take it all back. If you want to return it, return it all again," said Raffi.

"We cannot blame the situation and blame ourselves. We have to find a solution on how to get up," he concluded.