"Ineffective Policy', Commission IV Says About Fishermen Buying Solar Subsidy Must Use Applications

JAKARTA - Commission IV of the DPR highlighted new rules for fishermen, it is mandatory to use an application if you want to buy subsidized diesel. Senayan politicians warn that the policies issued must be adjusted to the criteria for beneficiaries.

As is known, the policy of using applications for the purchase of subsidized diesel is widely complained by fishermen. As happened in Indramayu Regency, West Java, where fishermen complained about the purchase of subsidized diesel at the Fisherman's Fuel Filling Station (SPBN) which had to use the application.

The fishermen objected to the new rules because many of them had difficulty accessing the application via smartphones. There are a number of reasons for the protests by fishermen, ranging from the large number of fishermen who are still ill-lettered, to the condition of some fishermen who do not have the device to access the application.

Commission IV emphasized the importance of the Government understanding the criteria for beneficiaries before implementing policies. Even though in the era of the times, there are still many people who are not familiar with the use of technology as for fishermen who live in coastal areas.

"Before making a policy, the criteria for beneficiaries must be seen. These fishermen are used to using conventional methods of buying diesel for their fishing needs, so with the requirements of using the application, they will certainly increase their burden," said member of Commission IV DPR RI, Daniel Johan, Thursday, October 26.

"Diseffective policies can inhibit the absorption of diesel subsidies for fishermen," continued Daniel.

Daniel also assessed that using the application would require additional costs, especially if it required an internet data connection. For people with limited income, this additional cost can be their financial burden.

"Nelayan has daily income from fishing, an additional financial burden can affect their daily economy. Not all people consider internet use to be a priority. This should also be a consideration," he explained.

On the other hand, the Government is reminded to understand the needs and expectations of the community who are the targets of programs or policies. Daniel said the Government's policy was made to improve the welfare of the community.

"So the policy should not make it difficult for the people. Understanding the criteria of society is the key to success in designing programs that can provide significant benefits for them," explained the legislator from the West Kalimantan I electoral district.

Daniel also said that programs that consider the criteria for beneficiaries will tend to be easier for the people to accept. This is because the community will feel that the Government is listening to and understanding the needs of the people, as well as trying to provide solutions to existing problems.

"I understand that the government wants to bring our people more advanced. But it cannot be forced if they have not been able to adapt quickly. It takes time for adjustments," said Daniel.

Adaptation of these adjustments can be done with various alternatives in implementing policies.

Seperti misalnya tadi, program pembelian solar bersubsidi dengan aplikasi tetap berjalan, tapi juga masih membuka ruang bagi nelayan untuk membayar dengan uang tunai. Pada akhirnya nanti nelayan bisa menyesuaikan, urainya.

"So the people's program must make it easier, don't hinder the community," concluded Daniel.