Dino Patti Djalal's Family Becomes A Victim, This Is The Syndicate Mode For Home Certificate Thieves And Then Falsifying KTPs

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya said the mode was almost the same in three cases of alleged theft of the family home certificate of former Indonesian Ambassador to the United States (US) Dino Patti Djalal.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that the mode used in these three cases was forging identity cards.

"The modes are almost all similar. Take the certificate, then the ID card is falsified, then the same," Yusri told reporters, Wednesday, February 10.

Yusri said, there were three cases that had been handled. But the process is different. For the first and second cases, a suspect has been determined.

"The first thing that happens is still in the process. We already know the suspect, we are pursuing it," continued Yusri.

"The second has not happened, but the forgery is already there, so this ownership has not changed. But this is still in progress but the suspect has been arrested for KTP forgery, but because it is still in process and the time is up, it is finally suspended," he continued.

Meanwhile, the third case is still in the early stages. Because, the reporting is in January 2021.

"The third is new, also because this DP mother owns several land assets that the family does not know," he said.

Previously it was reported that the first case in this case was with the reporter named Mustofa. In this case several suspects named Arnold.

"The suspect Arnold and his friends have been sentenced to court in 2019. Currently he has been detained at Cipinang Prison," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Harta Benda AKBP Dwiasi Wiyatputera.

The second case with the reporter Dino Patti Djalal. The cases that were reported in November 2020 have also been handled. The suspects in this case are Mustofa and a colleague.

"The prosecutor has entered the research phase (file)," he said.

Finally, the case reported by Yurmisnawita in January. This case has also been handled with the investigation stage.

"We are currently in the process of proving through witness testimony. Subsequently, a case title will be conducted for further processing," he said.