Desi Indarti Steps Into The World Of F&B Business Through Technology

JAKARTA - Desi Indarti, better known as Queen Crypto, is now taking a bold step towards the food and beverage business (F&B) with a technology and application-based approach.Desi explained that the pandemic has presented various challenges for MSMEs in the F&B sector. He felt it was time for technology to play an active role in helping these entrepreneurs develop.Establishing its newest technology company, WAJAN, Desi focuses on developing innovative applications that will become an important tool for MSMEs in the F&B sector. This application will provide a variety of services, including live streaming, order tracking, digital marketing, and business analytics."I see great potential in integrating technology in MSME operations in the F&B industry. The applications we develop will help entrepreneurs manage their businesses more efficiently, increase their exposure through online platforms, and collect data needed for smarter decision-making," he explained in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Tuesday night.The application developed by WAJAN will also utilize Live streaming technology to increase food sales, ensure product shapes, and provide consumers with information on the quality of the food they consume.His decision to support MSMEs in this way shows high commitment and attention to small entrepreneurs."This is a real example that technology can be used as a tool to advance and empower many people around the world," he said.