Family Knowing Ustaz Maaher's Disease, Police: There Is A Certificate

JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters emphasized that his illness was the cause of the death of Ustaz Maaher At-Thuwailibi aka Soni Eranata. This is evidenced by the existence of a statement letter from the family.

"What is of note from us is that the illness suffered by Soni Eranata's family is known to the family", said Karo Penmas, Brigadier General of Police Public Relations Division.

"With a statement letter from the family that his family knew about the illness suffered by Soni Eranata. In a statement signed by the deceased's wife", he continued.

With a statement letter from his family, said Rusdi, he could dismiss all the issues that had developed regarding the cause of Ustaz Maaher's death.

Recently, wild issues have emerged including allegations of torture as the cause of the death of Ustaz Maaher.

"Of course, this clarity eliminates the confusion of the cause of the death of Soni Eranata's", he said.

Previously, information circulated that accused Maaher's death of being tortured at the Police detention center and experiencing severe skin pain. Maaher was then rushed to the National Police Hospital but was sent back to the detention house even though his condition had not yet recovered.

This information was uploaded by Ade Armando on his twitter account, @Adearmando1, on Monday, February 8 yesterday and at the same time linking it to the account that first distributed it, Pribumi Bangkit. This University of Indonesia (UI) Communication lecturer said this was slander.

"I actually got news that he died from an illness that I cannot say yet because if it turns out it will drop Maaher's name. Do you need to disclose? tweeted Ade Armando quoted by VOI.