OJK Holds Socialization Strengthening Capital Market Supervision
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority continues to strengthen supervision and competence of business actors in the Capital Market sector by organizing OJK Regulation Socialization activities and OJK Circular in the Capital Market Sector.
The Chief Executive of the Capital Market Supervisory, Derivative Finance, and Carbon Exchange, Inarno Djajadi, said that this activity could increase the knowledge and competence of stakeholders for the advancement of the Capital Market industry in Indonesia.
"I hope that all stakeholders in the Capital Market will be able to fully and comprehensively understand some of the new provisions stipulated in the OJK Regulation and OJK Circular so that in the end it can encourage the running of the Capital Market ecosystem which is orderly, reasonable, efficient, and protect the interests of investors and the community," said Inarno in a written statement, Tuesday, October 24.
Furthermore, Inarno also said that the role of OJK as a regulator and supervisor in the Capital Market industry would certainly not run effectively and optimally without the support of all industry players who always obey and obey signs in carrying out their business activities.
The socialization material submitted is the provisions of both POJK and SEOJK which have been issued in the second semester of 2023, among others as follows:
1. POJK No. 13 of 2023 concerning Policies in Maintaining Capital Market Performance and Stability in Significant Fluctuating Market Conditions, namely to mitigate and reduce market impacts that fluctuate significantly and have the potential to put pressure on capital market stability.
2. POJK No. 14 of 2023 concerning Carbon Trading through the Carbon Exchange, to regulate the procedures for managing carbon trading through carbon exchanges.
3. POJK No. 15 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Principles of Administrative Services Recognizing Customers, to regulate the implementation of Principles of Administrative Services Recognizing Customers (LAPMN) so that the process of opening accounts and updating customer data becomes easier, faster, and more efficient because it is centralized.
4. SEOJK No. 12 of 2023 concerning Procedures for the Implementation of Carbon Trading Through the Carbon Exchange, as a provision for the implementation of POJK No. 14 of 2023.
5. SEOJK No. 13 of 2023 concerning the Purchase of Open Company Shares as a result of the Cancellation of Stock Listing by the Stock Exchange due to Significant Conditions or Events Negatively Affecting Business Sustainability, which is the implementation regulation of POJK Number 3 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Activities in the Capital Market Sector.
The socialization activity was attended by stakeholders in the Capital Market in Yogyakarta who attended offline and more than 900 people from all over Indonesia attended online.