Mother And Father, Pay Attention To Your Children While Surfing The Internet Because There Are 3 Potentials For Violence

JAKARTA - Assistant Deputy for Child Protection in Emergency Situations and Pornography of the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (Ministry of PPPA RI), Ciput Eka Purwianti, asked parents to be careful in educating their children.

Especially when using the internet. Especially with the COVID-19 situation which requires children to learn online.

According to Ciput Eka, there are 3 risks for children to experience violence in the online realm. First, the issue of cyber violence, where there are sex online that are exposed to acts of self-harm or suicide.

"Children can also be contaminated with contents of radicalism and other exploitation of which we have many cases," said Ciput in a media meeting as reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 10.

The next risk is cyber addiction. Several cities in Indonesia have even reported this case. Children under the age of 10 are already addicted to devices, including addiction to online games as well as addiction to pornography.

Next, another risk that many people don't realize is cyber bullying. Most children receive online cyber bullying from as many friends, but also as adults.

Data on violence experienced by children on social media, from the Plan International Indonesia Foundation in 2020, shows that the biggest threat is sexual violence.

"96 percent of respondents said they had experienced threats of sexual violence. The next biggest was sexual harassment, or other harassment, through comments or messages received by children," said Ciput.

The next violence on social media is stalking by strangers or adults, and mostly predators. Then there is body shaming, sexual harassment, racist comments, threats of physical violence and humiliation.

Another survey, which was conducted at the start of the pandemic in April 2020, Ciput said that there were around 30 percent or 112 children who claimed they received inappropriate text or text messages.

"So pornography is not only in the form of videos or images but also includes text," he continued.