5 Daily Habits That Can Increase Your Confidence

JAKARTA - Establishing relationships with other people will open up various opportunities to achieve a quality of life. For example, increasing knowledge, career support networks, and being happier. So, what if you don't feel confident and don't want to hang out with new people?

Joan Rosenberg, Ph.D. said that there is a lot of conflicting information about how to have self-confidence. Rosenberg as an emotion expert studied and concluded that confidence is formed from the atoms of belief.

"Confidence will develop when a person has deep feelings so that they are able to handle various emotional situations at hand", said Rosenberg, quoted from Psychology Today, Wednesday, February 10.

Self-confidence means you can feel when you have 'I can do it' attitude. According to Rosenberg, there are five ways to increase self-confidence and you can make it a daily habit. Or do you already have the following habits?


The first step, according to Rosenberg's advice, is to move with full awareness. Even if you're feeling bad, you need to be aware of it. In essence, a person needs to be aware of what is known, including negative feelings that are momentarily felt.

Avoiding negative feelings is not recommended. So try to identify what sadness, shame, helplessness, anger, vulnerability, disappointment, and even frustration are.

Being aware of these feelings means that you are ready to move on from feeling disappointed and emotional strength will build. Simply put, try to be grounded, make peace and be honest with yourself. This is the beginning of building self-confidence.

Express yourself

Many therapists advise someone to express themselves, especially those who are experiencing low self-esteem. The reason is that telling the truth is good and can boost self-confidence.

Rosenberg advises saying about what you are experiencing is a positive and wise way to be an authentic self.

Statements and actions go hand in hand

Talking and taking action can increase a person's self-confidence. Try to take action toward the goal. Even though sometimes the ideas float in the wind and you don't have the confidence to realize them.

Every now and then, it is necessary to dare to take risks, so that something positive will be found.

Stop criticizing yourself

Criticism is constructive, but criticism can stop your steps. The way to increase self-confidence according to the fourth expert is to stop criticizing yourself and negative self-talk. This habit will only make you more hesitant to pursue your goals.

Praise yourself

Even though you often forget, praise can be helpful for increasing self-confidence. You don't need to get praise from other people, you can give it to yourself.

Have you ever done the five habits above? May self-confidence always accompany you wherever your feet go in reaching the goal!