Dino Patti Djalal's Family Home Certificate Thieves Syndicate Has Been Arrested By The Police

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya said the case of theft of the family home certificate of former Indonesian Ambassador to the United States (US) Dino Patti Djalal had been handled. The evil brain has also been arrested.

"Three cases of Mr. Dino Patti Djalal have been handled," said Kasubdit Harta Benda AKBP Dwiasi Wiyatputera to VOI, Wednesday, February 10.

Dwiasi detailed the three cases. First, the case with the reporter named Mustofa. In this case several suspects named Arnold.

"The suspect Arnold and his friends have already been sentenced to court in 2019. Currently he has been detained in Cipinang Prison," he said.

The second case with the reporter Dino Patti Djalal. The cases that were reported in November 2020 have also been handled. The suspects in this case are Mustofa and a colleague.

"The prosecutor has entered the research phase (file)," he said.

Finally, the case reported by Yurmisnawita in January. This case has also been handled with the investigation stage.

"We are currently in the process of proving through witness testimony. Subsequently, a case title will be conducted for further processing," he said.

Previously it was reported that Dino Patti Djalal was the victim of a gang of theft of house certificates. The news of the theft of the house certificate was conveyed by Dino Patti Djalal via his Twitter account @dinopattidjalal, Tuesday, February 9.

“So that the public is alert: another gang of my family's house has been looted by a house certificate thief. Suddenly my ibnu's house certificate had changed its name to BPN even though there was no AJB, there were no transactions or even no meeting with my mother, ”said Dino Patti Djalal.

In his thread, Dino Patti Djalal said that this gang had a mode of targeting the target and then creating a fake ID card.

"Colluding with black brokers and obscene notaries and putting up photo-like figures on ID cards who are paid to play fake ID cards," continued Dino Patti Djalal.

Dino said that this gang had planned to target his mother's house. According to him, this incident should make the police move quickly.