Carrying The Theme Of Peace And Unity Of Indonesia, Gontor Commemorates 100 Years

JAKARTA - The 100th anniversary of Gontor will be enlivened with events, including the Tajammu' (silaturahmi) and Jalan Sehat. The commemoration event carries a theme to realize the peace and integrity of Indonesia.

The chairman of the Tajammu Committee' and Jalan Sehat 100 Years of Gontor, Zakiyanto Arief in his statement in Jakarta, Saturday said that this event would be filled with Petition for the 100th Anniversary of Gontor's Anniversary of Togetherness for Indonesian Unity. "This is manifested by our gratitude to Gontor and Indonesia. Gontor's alumni has been active in various professions in Indonesia, meaning Gontor above and for all groups," he said. It is recorded that a number of Gontor alumni have taken part in various fields and consist of various elements. Like the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI Hidayat Nur Wahid who came from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the Former Minister of Religion (Menag) RI Lukman Hakim Saifuddin who came from the United Development Party (PPP).

In addition, there is also Prof. Din Syamsuddin who is also a Gontor alumni figure who became the General Chair of PP Muhammadiyah for the period 2005-2015 and Alm. KH Hasyim Muzadi who became the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) for the period 2000-2010. "God willing, Gontor is here at the forefront to care for diversity and Indonesian unity," said Zakiyanto. Related to this, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Hidayat Nur Wahid said Gontor had an Indonesian nature that had been applied daily, in which students from various regions in Indonesia lived together without being distinguished. That is our picture. Despite coming from different organizations, we have been able to keep the ukhuah islamiah. That has been instilled since we became a santri," he added. Hidayat revealed that the Santri Gontor was taught to be the glue of the people, so that the diversity of the class embraced by Gontor alumni did not cause any noise with each other. Affirming this, he cited a principle taught in the lessons of Mahfuzhat (Arab Blasphem) which reads "Innamal umamul akhlaqu ma baqiyat, wa inhumu dzahabat akhlaquhum dzahabu (living and the construction of a nation depending on the morals, if they no longer uphold the norms of the akhlaklakul carimah, then the nation will be destroyed along with its moral collapse. "Tajammu' and Healthy Ways are held in the National Monument Area (Monas) on Sunday, October 22, 2023 and will start at 05.30 WIB. The planned figures are present at the event of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, national figures of Gontor alumni, hundreds of Pondok Pesantren Alumni Gontor, as well as tens of thousands of families of large Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor.